Probate Summerville, SC


Summerville SC

Contact us for your Consultation (843) 419-6653

PROBATE (when the court gets involved):  

Much of how this process takes place is dependent upon what type of estate planning is in place at the time.

Probate Administration is the process of legally transferring assets out of the decedent’s name to the proper heirs. After the loss of a loved one, this administrative task and the mounds of paperwork involved may seem quite daunting. Frost Law Group in Summerville, SC provides legal advice and assistance to Personal Representatives and Executors regarding their legal obligations. We offer candid and compassionate counsel to ensure assets are properly managed and distributed in accordance with the legal requirements.

Probate litigation may involve disputes as to the validity of a decedent’s Will, breach of fiduciary duties by a personal representative or trustee, rights of a spouse, fraud, forgery, and many other wrangles that arise after the death of a loved one.  Unfortunately, it is very common for disputes to arise between family members and other beneficiaries. During this emotionally charged time, Frost Law Group of Summerville will strive to negotiate a fair settlement but will advocate zealously when litigation is necessary to preserve and protect our client’s interests.

Court Appointed Guardianships & Conservatorships are used to protect a person and his or her finances when they suffer from a legal incapacity which may be a result of mental illness, physical illness, injury, age, or the abuse of alcohol or drugs and may not, necessarily, be permanent. The appointment of a Guardian and/ or Conservator gives authority to another individual to make medical and financial decisions on behalf of the incapacitated person. Most often the person’s spouse, parent, adult child, or sibling will be appointed but priority is determined by statute and, in some cases, it may be necessary to appoint a third-party.  You can possibly avoid this if you have a Power of Attorney in place!